We work to save the environment.
In fact, we offer environmentally responsible products which meet the diverse needs of our Industrial, Commercial, Contracting and OEM market customers.
Green Technology
Polyurea Systems coatings and linings are manufactured to be VOC-free, 100% solids, and completely inert, providing long-lasting, environmentally friendly protection for your assets.
Minimal Downtime
We guarantee rapid return-to-service. For this reason, facility owners minimize downtime. Additionally, projects return to production more quickly than with other traditional coating and lining systems.
Extensive Experience
With 20+ years of experience, we lead the polyurea application industry. As a result, Polyurea Systems is the perfect choice for all your protective coating and lining needs.
Quality Assurance
Our technical staff actually invented many of the polyurea formulations available on the market today. No joke. We make quality assurance and testing an easy process and provide peace-of-mind to our customers.
You have a project. We can help.
Not all companies are created equal. We built our company to provide the best protective systems combined with winning customer service and outstanding technical support. Because that’s what we’d want for our project, too.
Protective Coatings, Linings, and Containment
Polyurea systems surpass traditional coatings because they are 100% solid materials. Due to the fact that they contain no VOC’s, they are extremely environmentally friendly. They release no vapors, fumes or chemicals during or after application. Additionally, polyurea is resistant to many chemicals and reduces thermal shock making it a remarkable system for both primary and secondary containment.

Polyurea System Technology
Polyurea systems are the number one choice in resolving many common issues faced by the coatings industry. The polyurea technology stems from the Polyurethane family and is extremely versatile. It is known particularly for its abrasion resistance, excellent adhesion and ability to fight corrosives, strong durable finish, waterproofing capabilities, and an incredibly fast cure time. Hence, coatings built upon the polyurea technology are the leading solution available in protective coatings today.

Polyurea Advantages & Benefits
- Rapid Cure, Almost Instant Return to Service
- No VOCs, little to No Odor
- USDA, DEP, and NSF Approved
- Tolerant – Installs at -40° to >300°F even in High Humidity
- Excellent Resistance to Thermal Shock
- Flexible – Bridges Cracks and Seams
- Waterproof, Seamless and Resilient
- Spray, Hand Mix, and Caulk Grade Materials
- Excellent Bond Strength to Properly Prepared Substrates
- Resistant to Various Solvents, Caustics, and Mild Acids
- Low Permeability, Excellent Sustainability
- ISO 9001 Certification
- Environmentally Friendly

Your protective coatings specialists.
Polyurea Systems
12461 Creekside Drive
Largo, FL 33773